
Friday, 26 May 2017

How to disable copy from a pdf document.

So guys disabling the copy from PDF document is very easy. We disable this copy to protect it. So following are the main steps on how we can protect our PDF file with permissions using Adobe Acrobat XI software. There are other software also available which can do that. Even there are some free PDF software are also available which can enable such restriction on the file. After doing following steps on your document, No body will be able to copy/ print/ view your pdf document.

How to disable copy from a pdf

Protect your PDF file with permissions using Adobe Acrobat  XI software steps:

1. At the top right in Acrobat, click the Tools pane. Open the Protection panel.
2. Click Encrypt, and select Encrypt With Password. Confirm that you want to change the security of the document.
3. In the Password Security Settings dialog box, you can add two types of passwords.
The Document Open password restricts who may open the document.
4. Click OK and confirm the password(s) chosen.
5. You must save the document to apply the new security settings. Type a name for your file, and click Save.

All of the below questions have been answered using the above solution:
protect pdf from copying online, how to protect pdf file from copying and printing, how to protect pdf file from copying free, how to protect pdf file from editing, how to protect pdf file from copying and printing online, protect pdf from editing, how to disable content copying in adobe reader, how to password protect a pdf in adobe reader
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